Sustainability + Viability
We are the ONLY Landscape company in the valley that is able to apply TRUE ORGANIC.
We Care About The Environment
Organic Fertilizer Programs
Whitehead’s Landscaping is meeting the needs of today’s challenging soil environment by providing organic products and services that maximize soil and plant performance.
We are proud to introduce organic lawn fertilizer and tree care to the Wood River Valley. Pesticides can cause harm to humans, animals, or the environment because they are designed to kill or otherwise adversely affect living organisms.
Compost Tea
Whitehead’s Landscaping enormous composting bin produces “compost TEA”. Our goal is provide you with the most beautiful, healthy green lawn imaginable while also working to reduce watering costs and eliminate toxic chemical applications, through an organic process that saves you money!
Contact UsOrganic Fertilizer Benefits
- A beautiful, lush green lawn
- Reduced water usage and associated costs by up to 30-40% (especially important during drought years)
- Reduced dependence on potentially harmful traditional fertilizers that are wasteful
- Reduction and elimination of toxic chemical applications
- Better soil structure and healthier plants
- Pest protection
- Long-term environment benefits
- Overall cost savings
Turn Fruit and Paper Waste into Nutrient-Dense Fertilizer
The end result of Vermicomposting is Vermicast, which is what is left after the worms completely break down the material! The reason why Vermicompost is considered “black gold” is because it is packed full of water-soluble nutrients. When added to the soil that your plants are already rooted in, it acts as a nutrient-dense, organic fertilizer, as well as a soil conditioner. When your plants are exposed to water and vermicast, they are being given access to the best nutrients around. Vermicast is for anyone! It is used on farms in larger quantities and is also popular among gardeners and green thumbs alike, who are just looking to take the best possible care of their plants.
Trout Friendly Lawn Program
In cooperation with Wood River Land Trust, Whitehead's Landscaping utilizes the Trout Friendly Lawn Program to assist in protecting and restoring the Big Wood River. This program promotes the implementation of simple steps that residents can take to conserve and protect water, it's quality and local fisheries.